Event content

CPHI North America 2023

  • Video Understanding Current Quality Challenges in Cell and Gene Therapy and How to Resolve Them

    Manufacturers face unique quality challenges that can hinder progress. In this session hear about quality challenges in Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) and learn common practices for overcoming them: • The amc was formed in 2010 to focus on manufacturing when everything at the time was focused on clinical...
  • Video Case Study: Reviewing the Ti02 Challenges in Europe and why the US Market should Take Account

    The European ban on the use of titanium dioxide for food use has called into question its use in pharmaceutical products because its pharmaceutical use was predicated on its approval for food use. The European ban is not based on hard science or a real safety issue, but on the precautionary principle. This...
  • Video The Music of Process Development Science

    Where QBD was the orchestral sheet music that determined how drug product development has been harmonized over the last 15 or so years, contemporary patient-centric risk-based approaches to drug development are the pop evolution. The music is still beautiful when produced well - but the focus is no longer...
  • Video Understanding Current Drivers in Drug Pricing and What this Means for the Industry

    Get the inside focus on the latest drug pricing developments in the US market. Listen to the current legislator updates and how it will affect patient costs while reviewing the rising manufacturing costs from inflation and supply constraints and the market’s reaction: • Examining current manufacture ...

Pharmapack 2023

CPHI Frankfurt 2022

Pharmapack Europe 2022

  • Webinar Trends in Drug Delivery

    In this webinar, originally broadcast as part of the Pharmapack Europe show, speaker Aurelio Areas, Engagement Manager, IQVIA will give us a look at the global outlook of the pharma industry as it emerges from the pandemic with a focus on drug delivery trends. This session analyses current dynamics in drug...
  • Webinar Sustainability through Circular Initiatives

    In this webinar, originally broadcast as part of the Pharmapack Europe show, Corinne Ondo, Head of Sourcing Production Materials Biotech & Healthcare Innovation, Merck discusses how Healthcare is currently improving packaging reuse in its supply chain by working in close partnership with its suppliers. By...
  • Webinar Container Closure Integrity (CCI) Testing

    In this webinar, originally broadcast as part of the Pharmapack Europe show, Robert Schultheis, Founder & Chief Technology Officer, ZebraSci discusses: • Probabilistic vs deterministic CCI Testing • Presentation of the different deterministic CCI testing methods with applications and limitations ...
  • Webinar Connecting the User to your Product – Smart Packaging for Smart Devices

    Originally broadcast as part of the CPHI Monthly Podcasts Series Smart devices and their companion apps are transforming the patient experience and moving healthcare management from hospitals to homes. However, this digital shift can prove challenging for some users. In the latest instalment of our p...

CPHI North America 2022